Saturday, October 6, 2007

oh god

Background: M's & my new place (I've NEVER learned how to properly write or say compound posessives like that) is on a nice, quiet sidestreet off a main road. It's basically the perfect location. We're facing a row of houses with a big, beautiful golf course behind them, we're a 2-second walk to the bus stop at the corner of our street, there are two mailboxes within a one-minute walk, and we're basically right in the middle of everything but just off to the side of it. It's quiet around here. All of our neighbors have young families (mostly kids under 6 or 7, from what I can see, but mostly young babies), are older, or are young kids in their 20's who are renting but for the most part keep the noise down.

So I hear this abrasive Boston accent talk/yelling man outside (if you're from the area, you know exactly what I mean... that nasally "rrrraaawwwwhhhhhh" sounding person who talks loudly and harshly and you can't tell if he or she is angry or not). And, of course, I sit next to the window so I can figure out what he's saying. It's this guy probably in his mid-to-late 50's yelling at someone that she is leaving already, and she'll be back in half an hour but FINE, JUST GO THEN but wait and see, you'll be back! and then loudly and indignantly hedge-trimming between outbursts. I figure it's his wife, but then I figure it's his maybe college-age daughter who stopped in for laundry or something. Then I hear two women talking on the porch, and I see a way older woman with a cane hobbling down the stairs with a young blonde woman following her. Turns out the guys' yelling at his MOTHER, who has some appointment but then she wants to stay there for 3 hours, or something, when he thinks she should go and come back and then go elsewhere afterwards, I don't know. But he yelled at her, and then he was all "COME ON, give me a hug" and she swung her cane at him and told him "shhhhhuuuuuuuUUTTTTT UP!"

I nearly burst out laughing, but they definitely would have seen me and it would have been a bit embarrassing... especially since I was sitting next to an open window half-dressed with my hair wrapped in a towel. LOL

God, people are awesome. I just wish more of them came down my street and did amusing things.

let's make this one a productive Saturday

On the docket for today:

* fold clean laundry & put it away
* clear Museum of Candlesticks from the coffee table & sort (what we're keeping, what's going to David)
* put the avalanche of books in the office onto shelves
* change laundry over; bring clean stuff upstairs to fold and put away
* develop system for where to put "okay I wore it today but it's still clean so I don't want to put it in the laundry" clothes
* coin jar... collect all five million pennies that cover every surface of this house and put them into a container
* buy paper towels so I can then clean the kitchen and bathroom
* new sheets on bed
* change laundry over again; bring clean stuff upstairs to fold and put away
* put away clean dishes and throw a few more dirty ones into the dishwasher
* shower because now I am sweaty
* buy some sort of food for guests to eat because The Bear Pair are coming over :D

Aren't I such a good little housewife-in-training. Although that's an unfair statement... M does a lot of this stuff himself during the week, and when I'm around we're pretty good at sharing household responsibilities. He's gotten better at keeping things clean that I have lately... but I've gotten fed up with those small messes that pile up, or the fact that we only had one large towel to share after showering last night because the laundry pile had grown so big. So now I'm determined to get ALL of the laundry done today. I mean, there's only two of us, how hard can it be? I'm just really lazy about trekking "all the way" down to the basement... I'd prefer to walk a few blocks than to go up and down stairs.

I think I'm going to start with folding laundry and putting new sheets on the bed. You might see some strikethroughs appearing throughout the day. Know that my mood is a direct reflection of how many strikethroughs show up... if I don't get much done, ESPECIALLY before The Bear Pair arrive... I don't want them seeing my home a disaster. I must be Martha Stewart OR ELSE. ha.

On a side note, I've decided to give creative nicknames to friends of mine that I write about in here. It appears to be the very "blog" thing to do, and since I'm new to "blogging" (as opposed to LiveJournaling, which I consider quite a different "art") I figure I might as well try it out. I don't have a good nickname for M, and he couldn't think of one either. It's hard to redefine someone you're so very close to with a one-dimensional nickname! But for M's best friend since highschool (also the Best Man in our wedding) and his husband, "The Bear Pair" is too cute and tacky to pass up.